Don't gamble one of your largest investments with a title company. You should be able to call or email your closing agent and have your questions answered with ease.
When you buy or sell real estate, we can advise you concerning the best way to handle the transaction and effectuate a successful closing from beginning to end. An experienced real estate lawyer has seen many transactions, however, in 35+ years of practice, Mr. Webster has handled more than 20,000 closings.

Foreign nationals are allowed to enjoy the benefits of owning real estate in Florida. However, it is important to have an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in working with foreign buyers and sellers as there are many factors to consider.

Whether it is your real estate transaction or a review of your estate plan, we will recommend a method to minimize or eliminate taxation whenever possible. This may be accomplished through developing a Florida Land Trust, executing a 1031 tax-deferred exchange agreement, establishing a Florida homestead, creating a qualified personal residential trust, or establishing an irrevocable trust for your estate.