Sir Howard occasionally stops by the office to deliver packages. He was discovered abandoned on the beach on the French side of the Caribbean Island of St. Martin at approximately two weeks old. He was bottle feed for the next month by his foster mom. At eight weeks he was healthy enough to be put up for adoption. He was flown up to New Jersey by Ron and Adrienne Webster who work with two rescue organizations on the island and serve as escorts for dogs needing to be transported to their forever homes. Ron and Adrienne fell in love with him during the plane flight north. When his initial adoption unexpectedly fell through they quickly offered to adopt him. They named him Howard and he is since known for his wide collection of bow ties.
Being curious parents, Howard had his DNA tested. Turns out that he is 25% smooth-coated Fox Terrier, 25% Chihuahua, and 50% mega mix of multiple breeds. Today, Howard is 7 years old and lives with Fernando, his 7 year old adopted brother, also from the island of St. Martin.